Ok here is the story. My friend and I were playing manhunt in my neighborhood and i was running and he was chasing me, then while i was running i twisted my ankle a little and grinded on the road really hard then when i got up i saw sum little rock particals and gravel particals in my sum are im my skin a little and i can not get them out when i touch the alcohol pad to my wrist it sting like a ***** and i don't no wat to do lol i want to know how to get them out of wrist without hurting my self, oh and the same thing happened to my elbow i got most of it off but theirs like little gravel paticals in there still. can u guys plz help me =(? oh another thing will i get infected if i dont get it out of my arm and elbow the gravel stuff

Alcohol will sting. Use warm water and a mild soap to wash the scrapes and remove the gravel. Yes, it will get infected if you don't get the gravel out. Once you have the wounds washed and the gravel removed, pat the scrapes dry (don't rub), and apply an antibacterial ointment. A lot of them contain a built-in analgesic which will numb the area and help with any pain. Then bandage the scrapes. If you have band-aids large enough to cover the entire wound, use them. If you don't, buy some or use nonstick gauze and medical tape. You don't want the adhesive from the band-aid on the wound, so don't simply put a bunch of little band-aids next to each other.
Scrapes are usually shallow and heal quickly as a result. You will probably only need to keep them bandaged for a few days.

Soak in a warm bath with either a cup of epsom salt or baking soda, the gravel should fall out.