i got cut with a very sharp piece of glass, the cut is not long, but pretty deep, i washed it out good, and put neosporin on. would this heal by itself? do cuts that need stitches heal by themselves if you wrap them well enough?

if you are not going to get stitches i would rewash it with peroxide at least 2 more times to be safe then get your neosporin and then buy some really nice waterproof bandaids and change them everyday then later as the cut heals prob in a week or so dont put one on it at night so it can dry up and air out

It's deep, so it is more likely to get infected compared to a shallow long cut.
Usually people get stitches for deep cuts and for wounds that do not stop bleeding.
I got a very deep cut when I was younger (from skating, I fell and cut myself) and I had to get stitches.
Go see your doctor asap or go to emerg and have them take a look at it...better safe than sorry!

Go to Emergency Room at local hospital or contact your doctor and let them decide. Treaating yourself could result in infection.
Yes it cold heal by itself but if an infection sets in you are looking at
surgery. Do not delay in seeking medical help.