A friend of my daughter's has been over at our house three times in the
last 2 weeks for dinner. She eats a lot of food and then she says she
will be back in a minute and she goes outside and vomits all of that
food up. She is not a small girl and she told me she has a stomach
problem, and that her Mom knows she does this and has been seen by a
doctor. She says her doctor put her on Oxycontin, for this problem. She
is 17 years old and looks healthy, I am just worried about her. Should
I ask her Mom about this or just mind my own business?
ABSOLUTELY talk to this girl's mother. I am the mother of three
teenaged girls, and I know I would want to be told if one of my girls
was engaged in this kind of behavior.

The girl's story sounds kind of fishy (I'm pretty sure they don't put
you on a powerfully addictive narcotic painkiller for stomach
problems!) but to give her the benefit of the doubt, you could say to
the mom, "You know, Jane [or whatever her name is] spends a lot of time
at our house with my daughter, and she told me about her stomach
problem and her prescription for oxycontin. I'm sure that's really
difficult for her and for you, too - I get so concerned when she throws
up all the time. I'd like to help, if I could. Maybe if you told me
more about her stomach problem, like what the doctor says she should do
or not do, or eat or not eat, I could prepare meals and make sure we
have snacks on hand that are going to be OK for her? Or, if you just
want someone to listen, I am willing to do that, too...."

That way, you are not saying - "Look, I think your daughter is bulemic
and possibly has a problem with painkillers," but you are letting her
know the situation so she can follow up on it however she sees fit, and
offering support, too.

Equally important, though, is talking to your daughter. She needs to
know that her friend has a problem, and that how that friend is dealing
with it is not OK. Help your daughter to see that although she can (and
should) continue to befriend this other girl and support her as much as
she can, she can not "fix" her. Only the friend can fix herself!

Hope this helps....
I took your advice and talked with her Mom, as I was afraid, she did
not know any of this and she has been getting the drugs at school. Her
Mom will get her professional help! Thank you, Betsy
Dear Miss,
You are still an adult and thus owe it to a child to
try to help. Oxycontin is NOT what they give you for stomach problems.
Oxycontin is morphine for pain and likely to make a person sick to
thier stomach. That is why they often give you phenagren (spelling?) to
calm your stomach when you take the Oxy. Could be an eating
disorder-thats my bet. I would approach her mother with concern and in
a helpful manner. She may look healthy now, but that wont last if she
has an eating disorder. Her behavior and age would certainly point this
She 'seems' to have a valid explaination, and there's no physical
reason to assume anything from what you're saying. However, if you want
to talk to her mother- do it. It'll cause no trouble if she's telling
the truth, and if she's not, you could be bringing an important problem
to attention.
oh my goodness yes oxycotin was out lawed years ago it killed several
people !!! one of the side affects is it makes u skinny go to the mom
the girl is a bilimic and needs to see a pycologist this problem is
mostly mental look at her nails if thery're yellowish its for sure!! do
it nw omg and get rid of that oxycotin shes lucky shes not already dead
make 100% sure she get proffesinal help!!!
I would not think they would put a 17 year old on Oxycontin for a
stomach issue unless she has cancer. That is a seriously addictive drug
! I would say speak to her mother. At the very least tell her to stop
throwing up on your tulips and use the bathroom.
Have to agree with poopy. Oxycontin is not , I repeat, NOT, used to
treat eating disorders. Talk to the girl's mother. Unfortunately, if
her mother is aware of the situation, she may be in denial.This child
needs help.
I would be concerned for the girl. When she's puking at your house on a
regular basis, right after eating your food, it does make it your
business. It wouldn't hurt to call and have a quick chat with her mom.

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ok so i was on my pill( combined pill microgynon 30) which i got from
the doctor without permission from my mum..But she found it and took it
off me binning it three days from when i was meant to have my seven day
break.Me and my boyfriend recently had sex without a condom..I dont
know when im supposed to come on my period or what i should do.. Help ?
** ( i mean we had sex a day before she took it off me )
This is not an easy one to answer. The phrase
'recently' had sex without a condom doesn't say whether you're within
the time period for emergency contraception (and there are more options
than the pill, an emergency IUD can be fitted up to 5 days after sex
and is actually more effective than the morning after pill). You should
get withdrawal bleeding from your pill withing 7 days of stopping it,
it's not a 'period' but your body's response to falling hormone levels.
If you had unprotected sex within the seven pill free days, regardless
of what point in the pack they started, and then carried on, or are
able to carry on taking your pill, then you should be fine. if that
seven days isn't up go back to your doctor or GUM clinic, get a repeat
prescription and carry on, taking a pregnancy test 28 days after the
unprotected event to make sure you're not pregnant. If you haven't
followed these steps then its more uncertain. There are so many
variables in the efficacy of the combined pill, ranging from your
bodies efficiency in metabolising and excreting the hormones, to your
gastrointestinal floras ability to recycle the oestrogens. some women
ovulate soon after stopping the pill, for some it takes longer for
their body to resume it's normal hormonal regulation.

On another note, even if you are still a minor, which i guess you are,
if your doctor has deemed you competent to request a course of
treatment your mother can't just override that and prevent you having
treatment, and your doctor isn't obliged to get any kind of permission
from her. That said. if you're having sex at a young age I as a parent
would be concerned if it was one of my own children and while I
understand that I couldn't stop them i'd much rather sit down and talk
things through with them. The fact you didn't and your mother caught
you out is probably the reason that she was so pissed. And there is no
way in hell you should be having sex without condoms at your age, there
is no such thing as a 'safe' partner, een if you were both virgins
and/or tested, I know from bitter experience that people screw around
when they're younger and the amount of STIs in the young population is
vast. Unprotected sex should be something you have with someone in a
long term relationship who you trust absolutely implicitly.

I'm a nurse and a parent.
Try to remember when your last period was and that'll give you an idea
as to when you can expect your next one. In the future, you might want
to insist that your boyfriend use condoms or maybe go to a planned
parenthood clinic and get the depo shot - that way, your mother won't
be able to find your birth control and confiscate it.
well firstly you shouldn't have had sex without a condom when you knew
your mom took away your pill. Secondly, tell your mom, you are sexually
active and you need the pill, or just use condoms. If you've been on
the pill awhile I wouldn't worry, it's still prolly in your body
you might get pregnant so get a pregnancy test if you dont get your period within a week /10 days of your stopping of the pills.
sex with no protection may lead to pregnancy - see your doctor
get the morning after pill fast and tell your mom thanks for possibly ruining your life

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Do you have really stinky or sweaty feet and dont care to admit it? Or
are you one of those girls that try and act like your perfect?
My Feet Stink Aswell But Maybe Its Just The Shoes You Wear Or You Could Wash Them More!!

Hope This Helped
They aren't stinky and sweaty, but my toes seem to have circulatory
issues so i keep getting chillblains in the winter. Its always a gamble
to figure out if i need to be wearing my oh-so-comfy summer cotton
sports socks, or the ichy wooly ones. Oh, and it makes my toe nails and
toe tips kind of ugly, so i wear nail polish in bright colours on the
My feet stink at the end of the day. I shower every night and in the
morning put on fresh socks (I wear socks to bed) because I don't want
to risk that my feet will start stinking if I was sweating in bed. As
long as I make sure I change socks and shower nightly, the smell isn't
bad. But, if I'm running around in the heat all day -- I definitely hop
in the shower when I get home!
The soles of my feet, and palms of my hands sweat. Always. I can't help
it. My feet only stink though if I wear one pair of sneakers everywhere
I go for a long period of time. But, don't worry, sweaty feet is
normal! =P
mine do but only in my black flats. i rarely wear shoes so mine don't
that much. my sisters used to really bad and the doctor said that it
was from her not drying her feet well enough after a shower. she
started drying better and it went away.
honestly, my feet are the only thing on me that BARLEY ever sweat
unless im playing soccer, but i put babypowder on them every morning as

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I was playing paintball with my stupid boyfriend and his friends last
weekend. He ended up shooting me point blank in the crotch. The
paintball nailed me right in the clitoris and I dropped to the ground.
My stupid boyfriend thought it was funny and laughed, but that is a
different matter. Anyway, two days later my clitoris and vulva are
still badly swollen and I have problems walking. It hurts bad. What
should I do? Is my clitoris damaged?
sounds like shock. swelling is a defense mechanism so that could be a
good thing that you are experiencing swelling. your body is trying ot
heal itself. it can also be a bad thing because it can also be a sign
of irritation and infection. go to the doctor if the problem persists
over 5 days.
I would think that it would be sore just from bruising. I mean, a
paintball can do major damage...my cousin just got a 3rd degree burn
from one. I would say put some ice on it and try not to do to much
walking if possible. If it is still really bad in a week go to the
doctor and have them check it out and make shur everything is ok.
unless you were laying down with your legs spread, i doubt it hit you
right in the clitoris, since this is covered by your labia. its
probably just bruising of the area. Regardless, see a doctor just in

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I personally do not like hair in my mouth :)

and my bi friend said she doesnt like it either.
yes and no.

some people think its attractive on a person to be all natural, especially whenever it comes to hair.

some don't like it there at all because they think its not clean and
its a one way spell to disaster (they exaggerate a little too much i

i personally think its somewhat attractive, but only if its trimmed and CLEANED!!!!

pubic hair collects the scents that accumulate down there in you
private area, not to mention the germs and chemicals, so if its trimmed
and CLEANED, im okay with it, but shaved is nice to as long as its not
coarse, thick, or prickly... shaved guys or girls need to be smooth,
not prickly.

i hope this helped.
Body hair on a woman does not bother me. I prefer a woman with natural
pubic hair, and even some hair on the legs is perfectly natural. It's
only the Americans who have this hangup about pubic hair.

And men who wax thier body hair are gay.
it is provided some veil naturally

its protin part that grows hairs

so excess protin utilized by body

we are more conscious about others body not much aware about ourselves,

but lot of people answering that self heigine is must

so some time it disrupt and can be remove if not needed

what else ...
Pubic hair is a most feminine part of the body, and it is very nice viewing. Trimmed is very nice.

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My second penis is about 3 inches shorter than my first one. Is this something I should be worried about?
Well, when I have sex, I use three or four of the smaller ones first, and then finish off with the larger ones.
Not to worry. Check them both against your third penis and have the
shortest one amputated, then you will be normal. Have your second pair
of testicles descended yet, or haven't you reached the age of secondary
puberty?No. My fourth breast is much larger than the other three.

The human body isn't symmetrical. One of my testes also hangs about an inch lower than the other.

My doctor said i'm healthy and normal, so I bet you are too.

Don't worry.
that is very normal. in summer u will feel more streched. do not worry.
If still you want to make sure try to find video of Oprah show with Dr
Oz on men health this show was aired about a year ago.
Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. http://baylor-medical-school.notlong.com...

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Yesterday I was watching some dirty stuff on tv and I masturbated for a
few hours. I didn't use lube and well now my penis really hurts? It's
red and it feels like I have rug burn on it and it has bled a bit.
There's a bit of scabbing on it too, and it looked like there was blood
in my pee. Is there anything I can do about this? Muslim women really
turn me on... Serious answers only please.
i would say maybe because you dry masturbated but then you said blood
in pee and that does not sound to well i would suggest seeing a doctor
You should see your doctor. You may have irritated it, or you could
have caused some blood vessels to break within the penis. You should go
and get it looked at to see if there are any problems.
if you wacked it too long you may have caused your self a bladder
infection, and next time try some lotion. if it doent start getting
better in a few days then see a doctor.
Call your local newscaster and see if they'll do a feature story on you
and your problem. As a public service so that this won't happen to
someone else.

put some neosporin on it and leave it alone for a few days

been in that boat before
1 hour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Give it rest.

It'll b fine man. Its just like the hurts on our body. It will recover.

BTW what is lube?
You've gone through the second stage....In a few hours you will go through the last one. YOUR PENIS SHALL FALL OFF

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looking to buy condoms, havnt tried any on. my penis is 17.3 CM and pretty fat. what do you reccomend?
one size does NOT fit all , the normal ones are for around 6", magnum XL, XXL are the bigger ones.
Penis circumference is what you need to know. If you use a condom that is too big, it will slip off, too small, it could break.

TROJAN® Magnum® condoms are 15% larger than standard condoms. TROJAN® Magnum® XL condoms are 30% larger than standard condoms.
I went to buy some the other day They told me it was 10 bucks . so i
gave him the 10 bucks & he said thats 10.80 cents I said whats the
80 cents for . he said tax . I said y dont they stay on by themselves?

Pull out or impregnate that *****...

Or even ejaculate in the mans anus

I accomodate of various sexual orientations you see :D
it just depends on how big your dick is.

and it depends on how long your gonna be doing it because it could get filled up pretty fast.
2.54cm=1inch. so your saying your penis is over 8 inches? If so, a huge condom...

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My b/f wants to but im scared that something weird may happen. Should I
let him or is this a bad idea. Or im i just being a wimp.sleep while penis is in me...??

does he love your stuff that much that he HAS to get some even when he is sleep???? damn i need a girl like that...
Yes it's fine, but make him be in you from behind
and cuddle up like spoons, do NOT let him lie on top of you or you will
wake up at 3am after having a horrible nightmare that you were being
suffocated and you will have to wake him up so you can get him off of
you. He'll be a dead weight on your ribs and affect your breathing.


Men sleep like they are dead after good sex.
no it is not a good idea because he will probably get wood overnight a
few times and have like pre-jac and get you prego, or have a wet dream.
I dont think its weird ....I actually wanted my boyfriend to do that to me but he wouldnt.

I broke up with him.


Try it and if you dont like it...you can just tell him.
ummm...I'm not sure if I'm getting this right but are you asking if he can sleep with his penis inside of you???

if that is the question then....if you want t get prego then yea sure...why not
Unless you can both sleep perfectly still, it will slide out when he is no longer hard.

(Little trick to get him out...cough)

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in order to get the nutrients for arms n pecs, i can then lose the fat
being an ecto-mesomorph and hoepfully regain the six pack plus the arms
n pecs. I seem to find it hard to gain muscle mass so everything says
to eat more, therfore losing six pack.

Sometimes you have to give up things in life to gain more, lol. I
prefer a guy with a nice six pack over muscular legs and arms, well
arms are nice because then they hold me tight and i like that but yes
go for it I mean you'll get it back babe <3

ooooh my precious precious six pack heaven forbid.

someone call the press.
dude i have everything and i didnt have to give up anything....just eat what you want and keep your BMI under 7%
get a life and just train and eat in moderation........u have been looking at too many mens magazines

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and don't tell me to eat! ha ha i do eat i just cant seem to gain
weight. i weigh about 135 pounds and haven't been able to gain weight
no matter how much i eat. i'm pretty active (when there are surfable
waves).i try to keep everything as natural as possible when it comes to
improving my body and do not trust pills, shots or any other chemical.
i want to know, besides steroids, what is the best weight gaining

You might think you eat enough but do you know the minimum amount of
food you need to eat daily??? Your BMR so to say?? Huh? I bet that you
don't... You need to be eating 500 calories more than your BMR so you
better know your number and hit the gym. You can find how to count your
BMR here:

I was 135 in college, im now 150. I drink protein shakes for lunch, and
also try to eat a little more each day. Make sure you are eating foods
high in calories. It takes 3,000 calories to gain 1lb. So make sure you
add on a few calories to your meals each day. Maybe an extra slice of
bread with peanut butter or something. Try and be creative.
brewing yeast. It has a lot of vitamin B, too. It will make you gain

weight in a week. Either buy at pharmacies, as supplement, or in any

place which specializes in brewing. Three pills a day/three tablespoons a

day - depends on the product, and you are there. Good for bones and

hair as well.
Eat. You may not be eating the right things. You need to eat pasta and
bread. Also you may want to start taking multi-vitamins and also taking
in some protein shakes. Also work out and make sure your calorie intake
is high and clean. The more you eat your metabolism will eventually
slow down.

hey...I really don't think you need any extra supplements or
medications, just to gain weight. Get on a solid high-calorie diet, and
you'll have no problem putting on the weight. I'd suggest checking out
this fitness site that I follow:




gud luck!!!

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meds work on trial and error.

I am on a new med for my thyroid, I am keeping my digits crossed that
it will help ... if it doesn't I wish someone would just let me go. I
am tired of fighting I am tired of coping I am tired of crying...
Better get out of here, into the real life and ''work'' there.


This is the only help. No pills!

The things you can do - those are the greatest! The other things - it's useless to fight with them.

The moment you leave them, they are decrypted :)

Voila! Listen to your feelings - you're afraid, it surely won't work!

Hey there!

I can definitely see your worry over the possibility that your
medication will not work. Anxiety itself bases on the impending doom of
the future. The best thing to do right now is TRY to stay calm. I mean
be proud that you are on the road to getting better. Medication is
about trial and error, good luck! Take care!
My meds sometimes get out of balance, that's why the simple and obvious
path is the one I need. Ayn Rand provides me with just such a "yellow
brick road" to follow.
my startegy when im sick is to down every bottle
of medication i can find but it never works....i just seem to get
sicker....never mind then..

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what should i do? he is always irritated and takes it out on me .he has his own business. he makes furniture and is extremely good at it.the problem is for the past 2 weeks has been edgy all the time and thats taking its toll on me. what am i supposed to do?

That 110 number is horrible. My 2nd number was 90-100 and I went on meds to get it to 70-80. He's a walking heart attack. And if I miss my pills, my mood gets worse, too. Tell him you want him to live to see his grandkids, etc. Some cliche. It should work.

Men can be so stubborn about this!
First off don't nag him about it- it will make it worse. Is there a friend/ minister/ family member you can get to help with this?
You can't force someone to take a pill, but find out why he refused to take it. Is it rumors about side effects of the pill (some do cause impotence) or something else? I have found that making a person understand the side effects of high blood pressure sometimes helps.
I would also approach the life insurance issue - if he dies who will take care of the kids - not trying to scare you.
If all else fails, make a bargain with him: If you try working with a doctor for one month I am willing to do ____ (be reasonable).
If you work and have access to EAP counseling please do that - you would be surprised how much it can help! Other counseling could help you too - sometimes there are sneaky ways to help someone who isn't wanting help now.
Good luck

Hi Cool
There is not much you can do for him but you can make him realise what he is getting him into if he doesn't get his blood pressure checked out.
You could use the blackmail tactics of what might happen to people he will leave behind and how these people might think.
I hope this helps.

Approach him with genuine concern... but do your homework first on high blood pressure and it's risks. Lay it all out for him in black and white. Let him know that he has a doctor's appointment next Tuesday (for example) and tell him that you would really like to see him get some help.

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i've tried them and they don't.
but this does it was the only fast and effective thing i found ;
this is a great way to loose 10-15 pounds in 3 days..
The 3 Day Diet is a very specific food plan that must be followed precisely. Portions must be eaten exactly as specified and dieters are warned not to overeat -- otherwise the promised 10 pound weight loss may not be achieved. Likewise, dieters should not under-eat, even if they are not hungry. The detailed plan does not mention or recommend any exercise.
The 3 Day Diet meal plan:
Day 1
Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low or Equal
1/2 grapefruit or juice
1 piece toast with 1 tablespoon peanut butter
1/2 cup tuna
1 piece toast
Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low or Equal
3 ounces any lean meat or chicken
1 cup green beans
1 cup carrots
1 apple
1 cup regular vanilla ice cream
Day 2
Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low or Equal
1 egg
1/2 banana
1 piece toast
1 cup cottage cheese or tuna
8 regular saltine crackers
2 beef franks
1 cup broccoli or cabbage
1/2 cup carrots
1/2 banana
1/2 cup regular vanilla ice cream
Day 3
Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low or Equal
5 regular saltine crackers
1 ounce cheddar cheese
1 apple
Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low or Equal
1 boiled egg
1 piece toast
1 cup tuna
1 cup carrots
1 cup cauliflower
1 cup melon
1/2 cup regular vanilla ice cream
good luck (=

They are not good as I have tried ed slimming tablets and they did not work for me!
You already know that to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume. You've tried dieting, keeping a food diary, creating an exercise regimen, and perhaps even hypnosis. It's now obvious that the problem isn't with the technique, but with your willpower
Nowadays, people are very concerned about body image, and, as a result there are many diet pills available and most of these are hazardous to your health.
Why harm yourself if there are natural alternatives.
I started a month long diet and I have found that I have lost 4 pounds in only one week by "Life Style 30 Days" which has given me tonnes more energy than I had before and also, the vitamins my body needs to stay healthy.
However, there is also a much shorter diet called "Life Style 9 Days." And with the right attitude, this program can help you lose weight much faster.

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Height 5' 9"
Weight 287
Age 14
I could do weight watchers? Or not eat lol

I have been trying to lose weight for about 6 months now and have tried almost every single weight loss pill thats out there... 99% of them don't work, I say 99% because I recently tried one that is starting to show some real results, acai berry pills..? so far I have been taking them for 2 months and I have lost 22lbs! YEAH ME.. 28lbs to go, but anyways I got them for free from this website, they may still be doing it.. not sure but check it out.

You already know that to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume. You've tried dieting, keeping a food diary, creating an exercise regimen, and perhaps even hypnosis. It's now obvious that the problem isn't with the technique, but with your willpower
Nowadays, people are very concerned about body image, and, as a result there are many diet pills available and most of these are hazardous to your health.
Why harm yourself if there are natural alternatives.
I started a month long diet and I have found that I have lost 4 pounds in only one week by "Life Style 30 Days" which has given me tonnes more energy than I had before and also, the vitamins my body needs to stay healthy.
However, there is also a much shorter diet called "Life Style 9 Days." And with the right attitude, this program can help you lose weight much faster.

The key for losing weight is easy - consume less food and move more often - the difficulties appear when we actually try to put that into practice! There are lots of temptations out there don't you think?! The only method which clearly showed results for me is green tea, it can be checked out in the resource box below, they have a few free trials remaining, it was featured in Reader's Digest and CNN. I melted away 20 pounds, it clearly does produce success!

I tried everything to lose weight, and nothing worked until I tried acai berry. I understand they say that pills don't work, nevertheless they certainly worked for me, and they have been featured on the Rachael Ray Show too.There's a free trial happening at the moment at http://pedipn.ramlane.com , why not try it, why not?

WOW. You weight 287 lbs.
I would suggest you to eat fresh vegetables, fruits and meats. Do some stretching exercise before or after you wake up. You should do some exercise walking half an hour everyday. Please avoid eating Fast Foods.

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I have a severe dental phobia......The only way they can fix my teeth is with sedation....I want them to sedate me and do all the work at once...In the dentist office they can only sedate me and pull my teeth but I want the all work done at in one visit.. So I was advised to go to the operating room where they will sedate me and do all that's needed..What I need to know is what differently will they do as far as sedation and what other advice or comfort tips can you give me???........Thanks /Blessings

I went to an oral surgeon and had IV sedation. There was a RN in the room with me, she started an IV in my arm and that was the last thing I remember. I woke up in a recovery room and then my husband drove me home. Oh and they gave me a pill to take 1 hour before my appointment to relax me. I hope this helps. People that don't have a true dental-phobia have no idea how bad it is for those of us that do.

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Recently, whenever i eat a meal, i get hungry after 10mins all over again! Im 17 years old and i weigh 110 and am 5'6 if that helps...but yahh my question is why am i always hungry all the time?! i feel a wrenching feeling in my stomach.
ps. don't say that im pregnant, because im not! ive never been involved in anything sexual.

Sounds like you are not eating the right foods. I used to do that a lot when I ate foods that tend to process quickly like white rice, processed grains, high sugar foods, etc.
Eat more whole grains and less processed ones. Also add more fruits and vegetables, which make you feel full because they are loaded with fiber. Also, drink water, this will help with hunger as well.

Well it could be because you don't eat enough. Or your metabolism is extremely fast.
You are pretty thin as it is so you might want to eat a few more calories when you sit down to eat. I'm not suggesting eating junk food either. I'm saying eat a banana with your sandwich or some grapes. Or add more meat into your sandwiches that is always a good idea especially if it's a lean mean like chicken or turkey. I like to put avocado in my turkey sandwiches because not only is it healthy for you, it takes so good with turkey. Maybe you eat too many empty calories like sugar. Take a look at your diet and try to put healthy alternatives into your diet so you stay satisfied without the extra weight. Oh, Apples are great as well.

lucky , you just have a high metabolism! your so thin so dont worry its really good and a healthy sign! be grateful for it! i am the same height ( a tad smaller) and 128 pounds. i wish i was your weight

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If so, how often would you have to do it for it to be noticeable? How often after use of tobacco will your dentist be able to tell that you use it?

For God's sake, enough chastisement about using tobacco! That does not help at all with my answer. I TRIED dip about a month ago, and it was gross, I don't recommend it, but I'm just wondering if it leaves a permanent marks in my mouth or if it's just for a while.

well i dip and when i went to the dentist they didn't say anything to me about it but they were talking and said that my gums were reciting so they probably knew that i did

yeah uhm dont smoke in the first place! im having a HUGE lecture in classes about nicotine tobacco and other stuff. will power is as powerful as u want it to be. try to quit! and yes the dentist can DEFINATLY tell if u have been doing dip. quit for your health and be careful! Wish you luck!

I dunno how long it takes, but chewing tobacco is not good for your teeth or anything else. The dentist will see soon enough.
Are you trying to hide the fact that your chewing tobacco from your dentist?

Normally about the first time you use it creates a film across your teeth. Within a week even after brushing the dentist can tell.

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Ok i was placed on birth control pills for three months to regulate my period and now the three months have passed. i took the last active pill on April 3rd my period ended on the eleventh, i did have sex after it ended . now for the last two to three days i have been seeing light bleeding. what might this be?

i am off the pill of the pill !!! the doctor told me that after the three months do not take anymore i should just wait and see if my period becomes regular

i wouldn't wory about it, i have this prob;em to and have been to the docs about it and i still get bleeing after intercourse to but it normal because your body is still trying to regulate the menstrual cycle. i have been off the pill for 5 monnths now.

are you completely off the pills now? just the 3 month course? or are you to continue the pills?
the spotting is normal if you discontinued the pills. some teens/adults need to stay of BC continuously in order to regulate or lighten (the flow) their cycle.

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What small, seemingly insignificant choices/habits can cause diabetes over years or a lifetime? And what chloices/habits can help prevent it? I didnt mean generally speaking, i meant specific choices.

processed foods, any food that is white is bad for you generally , exercise helps keeping your weight down also , but a lot of folks are predisposed .

Source(s): the whiter the bread the quicker your dead a doctor told my wife that 7 years ago

Genetics are partially linked to diabetes, but a sedentary lifestyle mixed with a high fat diet both factor into the development of the disease. If you're worried about getting diabetes, you'd be wise to start exercising regularly while revamping your diet. You'd be surprised how effective those two methods are. Exercise alone has been shown to be twice as effective as medication in controlling blood glucose levels (mainly because the body can use at least 95% of the glucose it produces).

I'm assuming you're talking about Type 2 diabetes (Type 1 is auto-immune). No specific cause but a number of factors can contribute to it...like sedentary lifestyle, overweight, high sugar/fat diet..a FAMILY HISTORY of DM. also other diseases like hypertension...
risk also increases with age (45, 50 ++) and certain ethnic groups have a higher predisposition...

In my own experience with my hubby, I noticed he drinks a lot of water and urinates often, he lost 10kg in 1 month w/o dieting, he suddenly has the sore in his toe nail(under the nail, he feels sleepy most of the time, as it runs in his blood(family history) i suspected that he has high blood sugar, and yes its positive........hope the above helps you...I also find this blog very helpful for diabetes treatment:

Why Worry About Your Diabetes?
Diabetes Mellitus is an inherited disease which occurs when the Islands of Langerhans on the pancreas are unable to produce enough protein and insulin to process the carbohydrates (sugars and starches) we eat. The sugar stays in the blood until it spills over into the kidneys and then is output in the urine. Symptoms of the disease include extreme thirst, excessive urination, constant hunger, loss of weight, itching around the groin, marked fatigue, changes in vision, and slow healing of cuts and scratches.

People who are over weight and lead sedentary life styles are at a higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes. But not all heavy people have diabetes. The exact cause is not known. Type 1 is an autoimmune disorder.

sorry not any life style or habits are predisposing factors but the genetic factors auto immune disease factors and infection of the islets of langerhans (insulin producing cells )are the celebrated reasons

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should i watch till i get bored or break my head and somehow stop watching by taking really serious measures. some of my friends say tat they have got bored of watching it and there is nothing wrong with watching porn so what should i do? plz help..............and i also masturbate while watching thanks

I would still watch porn just not as much maybe like half of how much u watch now. And also ur young and are gonna keep whackin it for a while so don't be embarassed I started watching porn when I was 9 believe it or not and it did get boring after a while just give it time and the urge to watch porn and whack it will eventually stop. If u want to stop soner then watch the same one over and over that worked for me. I hope I helped.

hey man, in my opinion and from experience its best if you don't watch it. first of all because it can be addicting, maybe your not addicted now but down the road it can be. also when you watch porn you get a false image of girls. they are not all willing to let guys have sex with them, these girls and guys are getting payed to do this. if you want to grow up and have good relationships with girls, and your future wife its best you just wait till you have sex instead of watching other people do it. it gives you a wrong picture of how sex really works, its supposed to be a close loving connection between two people and porn ruins that image. you should try to stop if you can, and focus on other things. it is ok to masturbate, but try to use your imagination and thoughts instead of watching people do it. not to mention it is illegal for you to watch anyways, if you get caught you could get in big trouble.
well thats all i have to say. good luck, and hopefully you will make the best decision to help you later in life.

a boy your age should not be watching porn at all. it distorts the way men treats women. it makes young boys think that women are there for only the guy's benefit.
wait until you are older. masturbate by all means but do not watch porn. you can easily become addicted to it which may ruin your future relationships.

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Im 17 and have a really tight foreskin ive used this cream and done stretches as told by my doctor, he now says I will have to be circumcised. I would prefer to be natural but it does seem like it would make things easier if I was circumcised. Are there any alternatives as im going back to see my doctor soon and want to make a decision.

You probably dont *need* to be circumcised. If you want it for other reasons, then you're probably old enough to make that decision for youself (although I know more than one guy who did it as an adult and seriously regretted it so be careful making that decision).
Does this tightness hurt? Is it causing you problems? If not, why fix something that isnt broken? If it is causing you problems, you can just get a small cut to losen the foreskin, or get a minor circ if you wanted.
Despite what some people on here are saying-most women could care less if you're cut or not. Personally I prefer uncut guys-it feels better for me-but I'm engaged to a cut guy. I dont really care. I mean...honestly...if a woman didnt like you just because you hadnt been cut, well..she's rather stuck up anyway.
Have you had sex yet? If so did it bother you when you did? If not...I'd definately wait to see what happens there...it might be perfectly fine. I mean, this isnt major surgery, but there are some risks-primarily being you deciding you dont like it. You cant just take it back unfortunately.
Its really up to you. I'd do some research on it if I were you. Make an informed choice and you (hopefully) wont regret it in the long run :)
PS jsut because you had it done as a baby doesnt mean it didnt hurt. You just dont remember the pain.

If you've already tried the cream and stretches, the next option is preputioplasty. It's a surgical loosening of the foreskin. It's not as extremy as circumcision as it just loosens the foreskin rather than removes it (which is quite extreme for this problem, and results in more healing necessary, more loss in sensation etc). So I suggest you google that for some information and then ask your doctor about it; if he still pushes circumcision then see another doctor. They can also do a dorsal slit rather than circumcision though I heard the results from that are not as good, it's still better than circumcision. Good luck.

Circumcision at any age is bad.
Infant circumcision is infant abuse, and is cruel and barbaric.
Don't let your doctor talk you into circumcision, it is NEVER necessary, and most doctors want to mutilate all males by circumcision as they make money from it, and many of the doctors are also members of the religions that try to mutilate all males by circumcision.
Circumcision always damages the penis and sexual sensitivity, and doctors NEVER discuss the diminished sensitivity, and don't disclose the adverse effects and complications that result from male genital mutilation, called circumcision.
There is also a small operation, that your doctor didn't tell you about, because he obviously wants to circumcise you. This operation is called a preputioplasty, or dorsal slit, which cuts a small opening in the foreskin to facilitate retraction.
If I were you, I wouldn't go back to that doctor. You can find a doctor in your area who will treat you by typing in Doctors Opposing Circumcision, and they have a list of doctors who aren't intent on mutilating males by circumcision.
Have you tried stretching with the penis flaccid, and inserting both index fingers into the foreskin opening and pulling sideways, gently?
All stretching must be done gently and gradually, so as not to cause scarring, and pain. Mild discomfort is all you should feel.
The stretching takes several months to accomplish, doing it daily, several times per day, for 10-15 minutes at a time.
Circumcision is the worst hoax ever perpetrated on the male sex.
A foreskin is not a birth defect; it is a birthright.

It seems that you have run out of options for keeping the foreskin and you are really better off without it.
A short period of discomfort ( I won't say pain) and then no more tightness, smegma, split foreskin, odour and no danger of paraphimosis.
incidentally it is perfectly natural for the glans to be bare - circumcision just makes it permanent.

Hey it seems a scary concept but circumcision is not a bad thing! I had my operation at the age of 10 since I had the same symptoms as you did but I'm glad that I have had it now since it the pain is worse as you get older, my brother in law had his op when he was 40 and he suffered greatly. Plus ladies prefer circumcised penis' since they like guys who regularly clean downstairs so thats a positive. You won't have any problems later on in life and my doc said that your better having it done at a young age.

i got cut at 18 for this reason.
please don't let anyone tell you it's wrong or it male mutation as it is not (i know 1 person who will say it is)
you will get people saying don't do it as you lose feeling dut you don't and it will not hurt as much as you think
if you tried all the other things getting cut is you best answer.

cut at 18 and 31 and it was the best thing i had done
thumb down time from the idiots who don't know

Depends. I am circumcised and honestly there isn't anything good about it. However I have restored my foreskin. Sex is SOO MUCH better uncircumcised. Circumcision takes away a lot of sensitivity.
Make sure you are going the stretching right and you arent forcing the skin, if it hurts at all you are just making the problem worse. Just pull the skin back as far as possible WITHOUT pain durring an erection and hold it there for at the very least 5 mins and do that several times a day. When you go back to your doctor ask him for some steroid cream to use with the stretching, it works perfectly my friend had the same problem and it worked great! You don't need a circumcision, most doctors just say that in this country.
If I was in that situation I would avoid getting circumcised at all costs.

Circumcision is NEVER necessary. Persist with the stretching and you will succeed without being mutilated. I can't improve on e w who has given a thorough case against getting cut.
Many doctors now refuse to do it, even though some still force it on helpless babies. As you are an adult, you have the right to have your own penis mutilated, but you're a fool if you do.

i am circumcised and i am not jewish or anything, my mother did it because she said it would be cleaner for me in the future and my wife would appreciate it. good luck though because i don't know if they numb it with a needle or something haha.

well i had it done when i was a baby so it didnt hurt at all, and its not bad at all, its pretty normal for me, but having it done at your age, i think i wouldnt do that, but you might have to do it.

Alz the skin is not going to streach overnight you have to be on it everyday and it will take some time before it streaches out . give it some time and be diligent on working it eventyually will get it done

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Its a little over 7 inches when fully aroused and I was wondering if that was small or average.... Haha tat a weird thing to ask. well I am 15

Don't worry. That's not weird at all. That's what guys do. We compare.
That's an awesome size. You're one of the lucky few to be that endowed. I'd be parading that thing around

That's a great size, really depends on your age though. But the average size is 6 inches so that's pretty good im 14 and im 7 and change. its only gonna grow more so my bf says and for our age we are avg-above avg.

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Hi, i would like to know what are the healthy ways to make my penis LONGER not by pills or devices.

Well, not all men experience this desire; I never have. Never thought mine was small or short and never had any difficulties or concerns having sex that my tool was too tiny. You are just either really insecure or probably misinformed about penis size, and listen too much to your other guy friends. All guys lie about penis size and height and how much sex they have gotten. Always remember that.
Average adult penis size for 76% of all males is 5.4 to 6.2 inches Only 12% of all guys are larger than that. All your friends that claim an 8 inch penis are most likely lying. The vagina is stretchable, but most perfectly accomodates the 5 to 6.4 range with no issue at all. Many girls would be hesitant to accept an 8 incher.

The ONLY time in your life that your penis will be able to grow is during puberty! That's the bottom line, sorry.
No pill, cream, lotion, potion, contraption, device, gizmo, gadget or exercise will make it larger permanently. The only "proven" way to enlarge a penis (post puberty) is surgery, but the cost, pain and risks hardly outweigh any gains one might achieve from it.

All men dont experience this. :L
I don't.
theres one way ive heard that you can do "jelqing" which is like stretching the penis every so often. but tbh it would take ages to see any significant increase anyway and its just a waste of time.
so you just need to live with the penis size you have.

Hi, to be honest, the world is critical today about all this kind of stuff but the truth is, its as big as it is and there is nothing you can do about it. There is nothing wrong with what you do, who you are or what you look like. No matter what people say, bigger is not always better! :)

You get what your genes give you, and that's it. All pills, creams, and devices are nothing more than modern versions of snake oil. Lots of promises, little or no results.
And, as a man, I don't need my penis to be longer. I've fathered three children and satisfied several lovers. (And I am quite average.)

there is no practical way to make your penis bigger, there is a surgery which costs thousands of dollars and doesn't even make your penis more than half an inch longer if that. the best thing you can do is learn to like your size.

If you are still in puberty it will continue to lengthen up to around 18/19 and thicken for a while beyond that
If you are an adult , save your money as there is no proven method that works .

Well you can try rubbing it or losing some weight. Losing weight makes it come out.

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my last period was about two weeks ago and it came really early. today is probably around the time that it should have come, and today i am having brown vaginal discharge (the kind you get the day after your period is over). should i be concerned?
thank you so much for any help.

The brown discharge is just really old endometrial lining, and is probably because there hasn't been much time to build up much since your last period. You have had a cycle upset for some reason, and your body is probably trying to reset things. It generally takes a cycle or two to do that, and in the meantime odd things may happen. If things don't settle down again within two or three cycles/months, then it is a good time to visit the gynecologist.

i wouldn't be.... i had the same question for my doctor. she said that it was normal, and that i shouldn't be worried. but you can check out web M.D., or you can call your doctors when their open. i wouldn't be worried though

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Ok here's a link of a side picture of my thigh and butt.
To show you how the size is a put a DVD right in the middle.
Sorry if you're creep-ed out but I really need your help here.
Please be serious about this I just want to know if my butt is big because my friends (and even my crush) make remarks on how I have a big butt and I want to know if they're right or they're just being stupid.
Oh and here's my other information to give you. I hope this helps:
Height- 5"2
Yikes! I even measured around my butt and pelvic area and the 'circumference' turned out to be 3"2
But I still need your help!
Best answer with the best help gets 10 POINTS!

look, it doesn't matter if you have a big butt or not. there are some guys that like a big butt anyway. you know, some go for legs, some go for breasts others go for bust. But that is not a very big butt at all.
Your also 14. your body is stabbing you in the back for hormones. every girls butt will look like yours within the next 3 months. so don't freak out about it.

girl, you have nice butt! its well shaped like a woman's is supposed to!
trust me, guys love that sort of stuff. bubble butts are in honey
think of the pros:
fills your jeans and gives you shape
gives you a sexy swagger when you walk
all the guys with love you for it
plus you got a nice piece of cushion to keep you comfy when you sit! lol
its not bad, i wish i had ur butt!

its a bubble but and i wish i had ur *** 0.0
i have practically no but so if i was u i would tell ur friends to stfu cuz u got a verry nice but that women would pay for lo

well i dont think its TOO big or anything, and its not like ur always gonna be werin pants that tight, but if u needa lose some weight, squats are the best exercise for the butt. If done correctly squats will tone, firm and tighten the butt muscles all in one giving a slimmer appearance from the hips down. Squats also have the added advantage of toning the legs to give them a more shapely appearance.

You don't have a " big " butt... but maybe bigger than average x]
The DVD in the middle shows that your butt is alot bigger than the DVD... but it isn't really a problem :) Alot of people like big butts, and it isn't that big, just maybe a bit bigger than average :)
I'm not creeped out don't worry, I just find it funny xD
Hope I have helped.
Sorry I'll try to be serious...
Your butt isn't big it's just bigger than average.
Your friends and your crush are just over exadurating.
They are just joking around and over exadurating don't worry :)
They're just being silly :)
Okay that circumference is a litttle urm, large... x]
Yeah, your butt is probably bigger than average.

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Ok I know its not healthy healthy, just is it not a 'bad' drink? I really like fizzy drinks and am just wondering if a switch to Diet coke would be in any way beneficial. The whole issue seems a bit mysterious to me - I imagine its just as unhealthy as regular fizzy drinks but just not as well known or talked about...? any ideas?

It's lower in sugar and calories, so if sweet drinks are a problem for you, then this switch will help.

I have checked out every diet known to mankind but nothing worked as good as acai berry. I know they say that pills won't work, but they sure worked for me, and they've been featured on the Rachael Ray Show too. There is a free trial on right now at http://pekosd.winridge.com , why not try it, why not?

Well due to the lack of research on artificial sweeteners(Long term effects) it could be just as bad. I used to love fizzy drink but i moved onto spring water. If you are on a diet, or trying to lose weight, drink plenty of water. It works pretty well!

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" Triceps" means " three-headed muscle " whereas "biceps" means "two-headed muscle". Triceps provide more mass to the arms than biceps, provides more " spring " to the biceps workouts and supplements the growth of the biceps and the arms.
These are opposing pairs of muscles. You can do alternate sets for groups like this , like one set of lats with one set of chest and one set of biceps femoris (front thighs) with quadriceps (back thighs) and one set of biceps and with one set of triceps.
Try this :
Do one set of standing triceps curls and one set of barbell or dumbbell biceps curls alternatively for the entire three or five sets.
You will feel the differrence in pump.
Read "Encylopaedia of modern bodybuilding" by Arnold Schwarzenegger.

to have a proper weight balance I think you need to work the front of the arm (biceps) and the back of the arms (triceps) equally. I guess you could neglect it but why would you want to have strong sculpted biceps and weak, flabby triceps?

Definately try to work this muscle.
If not, then it will definately start to sag with age and jiggle when you hold out your arms.
I know- ew.
Plus, muscles in general are pleasing to have.

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I'm on a 1,500 calorie diet. Im consuming 150 grams of protein a day. I find it very difficult to consume more protein than this.
Am I going to lose muscle?
male 245 lbs 5'11 32 years old

the answer comes in how much exercise you do and how often you eat. your body begins to use up your lean muscle as food after you have not eaten for more than 6 hours.
It is more important that you eat smaller meals more often. I lost weight doing this and it is a good change.
eat five 200 calorie meals a day and one 500 calorie meal to hit your amount.

you could eat 1500cals in protein and you will still lose muscle mass.
if you eat less calories than you body needs to maintain weight then those calories will be used to fuel the body the same way carbs or fat would be used.
so yes you are going to lose muscle. the only way to limit the amount of muscle you lose is to stimulate the muscle enough that a signal is sent to the brain to conserve muscle at all cost or if you lose weight very slowly(a lb. or less a week.)
i lost 30lbs and 7lbs of it was muscle and i knew what i was doing.
if a person doesn't know what they are doing then they will lose 50% or more in muscle when they diet.

No not at all just make sure you do regular exercise, if you take protein shakes maybe you could increase the amount you consume, but i really doubt your body uses lean muscle for food after 6 hours (lol) what is this a joke? the first thing your body uses for food are sugars (couple of hours 0-15 hrs) later it begins to eat the fat of the body (15-2 days estimatedly) then it works on muscle (around 2-4 days) then comes the organs (last days)

I doubt it, but I'm not a dietitian. Are you using whey protien powder? If not, I'd recommend it. After working out it's always perfect to drink a protein shake.
I've had a nutrition class before, and I think that you'll be fine. Just to be sure, I would use whey protein powder (an entire scoop usually has 52grams) and start lifting more. May I recomend P90X? My whole family has done their extreme home workout and it is killer and it gave me a lot more muscle.

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Ok here is the story. My friend and I were playing manhunt in my neighborhood and i was running and he was chasing me, then while i was running i twisted my ankle a little and grinded on the road really hard then when i got up i saw sum little rock particals and gravel particals in my sum are im my skin a little and i can not get them out when i touch the alcohol pad to my wrist it sting like a ***** and i don't no wat to do lol i want to know how to get them out of wrist without hurting my self, oh and the same thing happened to my elbow i got most of it off but theirs like little gravel paticals in there still. can u guys plz help me =(? oh another thing will i get infected if i dont get it out of my arm and elbow the gravel stuff

Alcohol will sting. Use warm water and a mild soap to wash the scrapes and remove the gravel. Yes, it will get infected if you don't get the gravel out. Once you have the wounds washed and the gravel removed, pat the scrapes dry (don't rub), and apply an antibacterial ointment. A lot of them contain a built-in analgesic which will numb the area and help with any pain. Then bandage the scrapes. If you have band-aids large enough to cover the entire wound, use them. If you don't, buy some or use nonstick gauze and medical tape. You don't want the adhesive from the band-aid on the wound, so don't simply put a bunch of little band-aids next to each other.
Scrapes are usually shallow and heal quickly as a result. You will probably only need to keep them bandaged for a few days.

Soak in a warm bath with either a cup of epsom salt or baking soda, the gravel should fall out.

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i have 6 in my wrist (i had broken it and had 2 pins inserted in my bone and then taken out). they are in 2 groups off 3, one being on top, and the other being on the side. it kind of looks like my doctor had just threaded one at a time and then knotted at the end? not sure. but does it hurt !?

I had to get stitches two days ago and so I asked the same question. All the answers said no, it doesn't hurt. Thank God. I know it hurt getting them in. The numbing shot hurt anyway.

the actual removal doesn't hurt at all. what can hurt is if the stitch is a bit sort of embedded and needs to be raised in order to get the scissors underneath to cut it but even so i am not sure if that is only in the mind.
i personally think the anticipation is worse that the removal.

No it doesn't hurt, I have had stitches a few times and the only time it hurt was when I broke my nose and they had to remove the stitches from the inside of my nose, and even then it didn't hurt that bad- you'll be fine (=

Agreed, you may feel a itching or slight tugging sensation. But not much pain, surely not as much as they hurt going in!

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i got cut with a very sharp piece of glass, the cut is not long, but pretty deep, i washed it out good, and put neosporin on. would this heal by itself? do cuts that need stitches heal by themselves if you wrap them well enough?

if you are not going to get stitches i would rewash it with peroxide at least 2 more times to be safe then get your neosporin and then buy some really nice waterproof bandaids and change them everyday then later as the cut heals prob in a week or so dont put one on it at night so it can dry up and air out

It's deep, so it is more likely to get infected compared to a shallow long cut.
Usually people get stitches for deep cuts and for wounds that do not stop bleeding.
I got a very deep cut when I was younger (from skating, I fell and cut myself) and I had to get stitches.
Go see your doctor asap or go to emerg and have them take a look at it...better safe than sorry!

Go to Emergency Room at local hospital or contact your doctor and let them decide. Treaating yourself could result in infection.
Yes it cold heal by itself but if an infection sets in you are looking at
surgery. Do not delay in seeking medical help.

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I just started a diet today.
so today heres what i've eaten.
Breakfast (as soon as i woke up)- An apple.
Lunch- an orange.
Dinner- Two eggs scrambled, and a serving of cheese grated on top.
Im going to have one more mini meal before i go to bed, then wont eat anything til tommorow. I think i'll have a bannana and some green tea with a tbs of honey.
I havent moved much today, I've had so much homework, but tommorow morning im going for a 30 min jog,and another one in the evening.
What do you think of my diet?
I'm 14, and a girl. Im really overweight. i have atleast 100 pounds to lose.

problem 1: no vegetables
problem 2: no carbs
problem 3: not enough protein
Have a piece of toast with your apple in the morning and some nuts. for lunch have a sandwhich or something with vegetables and protein. why would you need to be on a diet at 14? if you think your fat or something it will probably even out when you grow a few inches but if you dont get the nutrients you need you wont grow & youll definately get sick

Actually, you don't need to diet in fact in order to lose weight, the only diet that definitely worked for me was green tea, it can be viewed in the resource box underneath, they have a small number of free trials remaining, it was featured in Reader's Digest and USA Today. I melted away 25 pounds, it definitely does work!

I've used every diet under the sun but nothing worked as good as acai berry. I know they say that pills don't work, but they sure worked for me, and they've been featured on the Rachael Ray Show too. There is a free trial going on currently at http://roricle.sinimmeuble.com , why not check it out, what have you got to lose?

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Hey, I'm 17, 6'0, and weigh 136 pounds. I've always been really skinny, and have a fast metabolism
I started working out a month ago, working out 5 days a week. A work out last anywhere from an hour to an hour-thirty.
We always start with a a mile jog or some jump roping, then we start are main workout
We do Chest, Bi, and Tri on M, W, F and Legs and Back on T,Th. I also drink a shake after every workout.
I eat moderatly well, not at a set time, but I do eat alot.
I already see and feel results, but I'm just wondering how long until I notice a "dramatic" change?

Sounds like a good workout!
I suggest a solid protein shake, which you said you were taking which is really good. Remember to switch your shakes every month or so, just to make sure your body is absorbing all the protein and it doesn't hurt your immune system.
It's really bothersome but you should pick up GREAT eating habits, not just "moderately well" habits. Talk to a nutritionist at a local teen health center and they can help you with eating plans.

It is a possibility to lose weight fast but you should be realistic and comprehend that if you lose weight quickly then you will inevitably put it all back on again just as quickly. The sole diet which definitely showed results for me is green tea, it can be checked out in the resource box underneath, they have a small number of free trials in stock, it has been reported in Reader's Digest and CNN. I lost 25 pounds, it definitely does produce success!

lower your cardo..you need calories to build mucle..take 2 scops of protein shake imediatley after...and always drink milk or eat something when you wake up ..whan your asleep your body starves itself so you nedd to break the cycle

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I have like 20lbs to lose and I feel so miserable. I'm trying to lose weight now but I just feel so blah and ugly. I feel too ugly to exist. How can I feel good about myself while losing weight?

Concentrate on small goals. Trying to tackle the whole thing may seem like too much. Break it down by monthly goals or even weekly ones. Take pictures of your progress up on the mirror or some place noticeable to motivate yourself and show yourself what you have done. Weight loss takes a long time before you see results so just stay strong! Join support groups or blogs online and lose weight doing things you love instead of only excercising in ways that you hate doing.
If you sleep between 8 and 6 hours a night and establish a sure routine in your life it can make all the difference.

Source(s): personal experience, counseling

Just, don't picture yourself at blah picture your self of how your gonna look when you are finished and you get the body of your dreams! But do not give up or put off working out because if you do you just going to see blah in the mirror for the rest of your life! so get out there and get rid of blah and get the body you have always dreamed of!

I think the question should be how can you not feel happy when you are losing weight. Seriously, once you begin losing weight you will feel amazing. Every week, pounds keep dropping, it will give your confidence a huge boost and you will feel on top of the world. So get in gym so you can hurry up and see your results

Best I can suggest is photos of yourself from the front and the sides, once a week under the same conditions (same clothes, same lighting, same time of day). If you're losing weight, nothing gets my spirits up more than checking my latest photos versus my starting photos when I weighed a lot more. Thats just me though!

I checked out everything to lose weight, and nothing worked until I checked out acai berry. I understand they say that pills don't work, however they definitely worked for me, and they have been shown on CBS News too.There is a free trial on right now at http://bembloic.etherbyte.com , try it out, why not?

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hi everyone. i am currently on a diet. i am 5'5 and i weigh 235 pounds and i want to lose more than 70 pounds. and i want to know what are some good weight loss tips to help me lose weight...
thank you for taking some time and answering my question

Exercise, exercise, exercise. Walking is the best exercise. Try to take a brisk one hour walk every day plus a 15 to 30 minute walk before each meal. Eat healthy foods like fresh veggies and fruit and low fat meat. Drink non fat milk. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water every day. If you crave sweets eat a nice juice apple or drink a diet soda. If you need a snack try low or butter-less popcorn. Never let yourself get so hungry that you want to eat everything in sight. Good luck.

The key for losing those unwanted pounds is not difficult - consume less food and exercise more often - the difficulties surface when we actually try to put that into practice! There are loads of stumbling blocks in the big wide world don't you think?! The sole method that clearly delivered for me was green tea, it can be viewed in the resource box below, they have a small number of free trials remaining, it has been reported in Reader's Digest and USA Today. I lost thrity pounds, it clearly does produce results!

The key to starting a successful diet plan is to make the changes slowly. You can't go from eating garbage everyday to eating healthy overnight. The changes required to do something like that are huge and should be spread out over a period of time. If you make the changes too quickly, your body won't have time to adjust and you'll probably quit before seeing any results.
At first, you shouldn't worry about your calorie count. When you start replacing unhealthy junk with healthy alternatives your calorie count will naturally be reduced because healthy choices are generally lower in calories than unhealthy ones. Start by reducing the amount of junk you eat (chips, cookies, pastries, doughnuts, soda, sugary drinks). Replace unhealthy snacks with nuts, fruits, salads and yogurt.
You can then start getting rid of products made from refined flour such as white bread/pasta. Replace these with foods made from 100% whole wheat flour (check the nutrition label). The difference in the two flours is that whole wheat contains more fiber (and vitamins & minerals) which slows down the digestion process. This will keep you full for a longer period of time which will help you eat less throughout the day. Other foods that are high in fiber are fruits, vegetables, oats, beans and legumes.
Eventually, you will need to start monitoring your calorie intake. Losing weight depends on you eating less than you burn. If you're not losing weight, the problem is that you're either eating too much, exercising too little or a combination of both. If you want a comprehensive and personalized free diet plan and workout routine, visit http://shtrainer.com

diva19, I have been trying to lose weight for about 6 months now and have tried almost every single weight loss pill thats out there... 99% of them don't work, I say 99% because I recently tried one that is starting to show some real results, acai berry pills..? so far I have been taking them for 2 months and I have lost 22lbs! YEAH ME.. 28lbs to go, but anyways I got them for free from this website, they may still be doing it.. not sure but check it out.

I had a load of extra pounds in all the embarrassing zones until I checked out acai berry, I understand they say that pills don't work, nevertheless they certainly worked for me, and they have been shown on CBS News too. There is a free trial going on right now at http://delilpy.sci123.com , why not try it, how worse could it make things?

I had too many pounds in all the embarrassing zones until I tried out acai berry, I know they say that pills won't work, however they definitely worked for me, and they've been shown on CBS News too. There's a free trial going on right now at http://sicavs.bosziplaza.com , try it, how worse could it make things?

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I barely have had mine for about a month...Im guessing by 6 months or so maybe? Thanks!

Hmm,that's a hard question since it depends on how crooked your teeth are or what procedure you're going through with braces to correct your teeth.I recently got braces and noticed differences in the second month but my teeth weren't very crooked.So it depends.

I never really noticed anything until after I had rubber bands, because my overbite was corrected. Of course, I felt my teeth moving throughout the four years I had the braces on, but I never realized how perfectly straight my teeth were until the brackets were removed.
Either way, it is worth every penny, in my opinion.

I saw results after about 2 months

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well today i went to get my bottom brace on and the top tightened, so i was expecting pain.
but all he did was change th wire to a thicker one.
did he not tighten it? or is this a new method of tightening?
i was sat there like are you going to tighten them
have any of you got any ideas? :)

plus my top teeth have no pain a bit of an ache but thats it?

i have had my top braces only 2 months this was the first time tightening but i think the pain is being taken away from the top brace because i've just had the bottom so im focusing on the bottom pain if you understand lol?

i had my brace tightened exactly the same today. ive had mine on since january now and theyve never ached as much until today!  he changed my wire to a thicker one, i asked him why and he said it was to pull them harder, which i guess is tightening,  try having 2 paracetamols "/ and take them as often as you can i think its every 4 hours. and its a good excuse to have lots of icecream :) go out and do things to take your mind of the pain it works for me :)
the pain should wear off in about a day or 2 and every so often they do ache. its all gunna be worthe it in the long term!

That is what "tightening" is, changing the wire to a different size. They do not actually go in there and "tighten" any more, that's what many people think. How long have you had your braces? if you've had them for a while then towards the end of your treatment your teeth are very mobile and won't hurt as much because your teeth are "loose" and will strengthen back up after your braces come off. If your in the beginning of your treatment then yes you will feel more discomfort as they change your wire and your teeth start to shift.

They only change the wire yes, but not all the time do they change the wire..they like not mess with it but they change it to help pull ur teeth to look straight..like for a year ive had the same wire they just bend it and make it so it'll help the process..

yeah thats the tightening thingy process.. its a thicker wire which means its stronger and pulling your teeth more.
Yea i wouldnt complain abuot not feeling the pain/aches cuz it kills...
just wait till tomoro morning it will hurt lol.

Yes my orthodontist used to do that, i used to ache a bit from that because it was heavier but no big deal.
You're totally fine, get ready for retainers!

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Im almost 32 and afraid to smile.?

Since my wisdom teeth grew in early 20's my bottom teeth have grown all wonky.
This has become a real problem.. im now embarrassed to smile or even talk to people face to face.
I haven't been to a dentist in a long time (late teens) I need to know if i can get braces? Or is there some other solution? Would someone maybe also tell me how much braces would cost me on the NHS
oh and how do i register with a dentist?

I dont think you will be too old for them because i have friends with parents that wear them, however because you are obviously over the age of 16 you will not get them free, depending on where you live etc.
To register to your local dentist just pop in and tell them and they should give you a form to fill out.
Hope this helps

Look up ''invisalign'' on the internet.
Its like a clear brace that noone will see.
Im not sure if you will be able to get braces on the NHS because of your age - you may have to go private.
To register with a Dentist - just go and speak to a receptionist in your local dentist and ask to register with them.

You should of sorted it before now.. But if you get ur self into a Dentist they will probley try and get you into orthodontics, That what they did with me BUT, I went to get my teeth sorted when i was 18 im 24 now and they still haven't been done, Im just waiting for some teeth to be removed before i can have the braces! Anyway if you get put on a NHS waiting list it will be free and doesn't cost you anything! (",) hope i made a little bit of sense lol

No, you are not too old for braces as you can get braces at any age. However, they will be very expensive even on the NHS so I wouldn't recommend getting them unless you really want them. Most people have braces when they are in their teens because braces are free on the NHS if you are under 16.
To register with a dentist you could try ringing the dentists in your area and simply ask if you could register with them.

I worked in a orthodontist for a day or so for work experience. You wouldn't believe the number of older people who get braces. Don't be afraid to get them! The only reason why it's a little hesitant is because it's better for you to get braces when you're young and your teeth are more easily mould-able. When you're older, all it would do is hurt a fraction more. But it's worth it for that awesome smile.
I know my orthodontist does a number of different braces, if you want to hide them you can get braces in the inside of your teeth set so they're not noticeable or you could get invisalign. Which are basically plastic retainers that you wear and it looks like you've got nothing on. Ask your orthodontist for more information.
BTW, you need to see your dentist at least annually in case you don't form any mouth diseases or anything of the sort.

I don't think you're too old, if you want to have a nice smile, then get braces. As you're over 16, I'm pretty sure you will have to pay a lot, unless you recieve benefits of some sort. I got my braces off when I was 16, and I love my teeth =D I don't think it's ever too late. Someone i know is 40 and they have just got braces. They refused to get them when they were a teenager and now realise that they just want nice teeh

depending on how turned they are, you can look into invisiline. if they are turned allot, you will need braces and may need to have some teeth removed for them to get straight, and like most have said- never to late- as far as dentist- walk in or call-

My friend had braces when she was 30 and her teeth look fabulous now. You are never too old.
You will need to register with a dentist (try to find an NHS one as even if you are not entitled to free NHS treatment they are cheaper than private plans). You may need to pay some or all of the treatment but it will be well worth it.
The cost would depend on what would need doing and for how long so the only way you will know is by visiting the dentist for a quote.
Find your local dentist at the link below and give them a call!

Im 28 i have the same kind of problem,im too old for nhs treatment.i can only get private treatment but it costs an arm and a leg.I was quoted 4 grand in total to get invisalign braces and i must pay £1,300 first payment to get them done,which is a joke! They dont care about how you feel and how much your suffering if you dont have that kind of money to just dish out you have to suffer.Dont be affraid to smile at anybody if they insult you then they are just insulting themselves.I understand the psychological damage it causes esspecialy when people are so ignorant and judgemental.

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i got my glasses like 2 years ago and didnt use them at all and now my vision starting to get wired now and im curois that if i start to use them my eyes will go blurry if i start to wear them?

No, but because you did not wear your glasses, your eye probably got worse and now you're having to deal with an Rx that does not work on top of having poor vision. Have your eyes rechecked by your eye Doctor- you should have an annual eye exam anyway.

Your vision might be blurry, since it's obviously worsened since you got the glasses. The prescription for those lenses fit what your eyes were like two years ago, so now they will probably be a little off. I can't wear any of my old pairs of glasses -- all of them are super blurry, which shows how much my vision's changed. Try wearing them. If you can't see clearly, go to your eye doctor and get a new prescription. Forcing yourself to try and see through them if you can't will just make your vision even worse.

Of course your vision is going to get a little worse when you grow. I have glasses and I'm near sided but I don't wear them all the time. You need to wear glasses. If you wear them it still shouldn't be blurry. If it is you may need to go see your eye doctor

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my mom has had lower abdomen pain on the right side for about 2 weeks and now its all the symptoms of appendicitis except the fever. do you think its appendicitis?
What Are the Symptoms of Appendicitis?
The classic symptoms of appendicitis include:
Dull pain near the navel or the upper abdomen that becomes sharp as it moves to the lower right abdomen. This is usually the first sign.
Loss of appetite
Nausea and/or vomiting soon after abdominal pain begins
Abdominal swelling
Fever of 99° F to 102° F
Inability to pass gas
Inability to pass gas
Almost half the time, other symptoms of appendicitis appear, including:
Dull or sharp pain anywhere in the upper or lower abdomen, back, or rectum
Painful urination
Vomiting that precedes the abdominal pain
Severe cramps

If it has been going on for two weeks, it probably is not appendicitis - this condition rapidly gets worse and worse. She could be having a kidney stone, problems with her ovaries, diverticulitis, urinary tract infection, etc. There are a lot of things that this could be and she needs to go to a doctor and get it treated. It could be only constipation giving her all of these symptoms too. Has she been taking some over the counter pain medication regularly and has she tried some Dulcolax, milk of magnesia to see if it resolves this problem?

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Diagnosed as having DIABETES TYPE2 in December 2008. Since en I have had several BLOOD TESTS my doctor was pleased with my DIABETES result as it had dropped to 6.8 (whatever that means) due to me losing a stone and seven pounds and changing my diet considerably. My doctor was not pleased with my HBP and has put me on a second HBP pill ( amlodipine 5 mg once a day) I am on Perindripol 4MG one a day. Why would my doctor put me on a second HBP pill ? . When he said he was giving me another HBP pill I thought he was taking me off my Perindripol.

Seriously you need to go back to your GP and ask him to explain to you what living with diabetes means and what markers he and yourself can use to monitor your condition. Guidelines have been written about the best way to treat diabetes, and the most important factor was patient awareness of their condition.
The "6.8" is probably your HbA1c result, this is a marker in your blood that tells you how good your sugar control has been over the long term. You can also get short term markers called "BM" measurements, you may have had your finger pricked a few times for this.
In diabetics like yourself a HbA1c of 6.8% is very good (above 8.0% is when problems start to occur), well done for losing the weight, it's one of the most effective ways to treat diabetes.
Your doctor initially started you on Perindopril - this is an ACE inhibitor and is often a first line treatment for hypertension. In hypertension that is not controlled with one drug another different class of drug can be added to create a synergistic effect. Your doctor added another type of drug called amlodopine - this is a calcium channel blocker, it works in a different way but brings about the same effect.
It's very common for people to be on more than one drug for hypertensive control. Especially an ace inhibitor and CCB, as you have been put on. Given together they have been proven to have very good results in many studies.
Just wondering if you smoke? Because you really shouldnt.

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I was born with Congenital CMV Infection
It left me with hearing loss: deaf 100% in right & deaf 60% in left
Im very lucky as i could have been born with blindness, total deafness,abnormalities, brain damage etc...
I can still keep losing hearing, as it caused me to lose the hairs on
my cochlea that produced sound, down through a hole somewhere in my ear... which needed surgery to block up at age 8/9 but can come back...
I am wondering, since my mum had this while pregnant with me (she didnt know it as it produces flu like symptoms and nothing else) and it gave me this, and since the CMV still flows in my veins
If im able to pass it on to my unborn child now..
I have heard i am immune to having it again as ive had it before and its still in my system for life so i am protected from having it again
Does this mean i cant pass it on?
I'm confused, as ive tried to get information but its all about the women who are now pregnant with CMV not someone who was born with it and pregnant now...
my first app with my ob is on wed, im 17wks, and im wondering if i can get info from anyone now before hand,
Anyone here had it?
Anyone know about it?
Anyone here born with it?
Thanks for the help in advance.

CMV are a part of the TORCH viruses and parasites that can cause congenital defects in babies born to mothers with acute infections. Acute infection means it is a new infection recently acquired during pregnancy that resulted in the fetus and or newborn exposure to the virus causes developmental defects and acute infection in newborns.
Infections acquired during other times besides during pregnancy is usually like any other virus in which one gets ill or asymptomatic and the body fights off the infection and gets well after ones immunity kicks in. The virus is retained in the person for life but it isn't as prevalent and infectious in the person as the immune system keeps it in check. It does not cause exposure to the fetus.
You will not pass it on to your children. Usually it is passed on when a person is acutely infected where the virus is more commonly present in higher amounts throughout the body.

You will not pass it on to your child. You have developed antibodies for this infection (that is why you can't get it again). Your unborn child is protected by those same antibodies because you share blood.
Don't worry. History won't repeat.

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hii..i was on thyroxine medication for the almost 4 years but recently stopped taking my medicines as adviced,but recently i took three thyroxine tablets at a go!!please advice..thanks

You have to take some medicine but not thyroxin.
First off all if you are in the UK, 99% of doctors do not know how to treat thyroid disease. They only know about Thyroxin which is a synthetic CHEMICAL and should not be in your body. It has many side affects, many don’t feel well on thyroxin as you may well find in a couple of months...weight gain, extreme fatigue, frequent bowel movements, puffy eyes and dry skin, and many others.
People with under active thyroid glands who take Synthyroid (thyroxine) should be warned that this drug stimulates osteoclast activity, accelerating bone resorption, and leading to osteoporosis. Natural thyroid medication is available in most countries and is far superior.
Thyroid disease has become epidemic, due to our stressful lives and ill-conceived diets. Soy, in particular, which is used so widely now, suppresses thyroid function and should be banned in all its forms.
In the long term it leads to osteoporosis. In time you will experience these side affects, so please keep the information that I am about to tell you as you WILL need it. You can treat your thyroid by natural medication with NO side affects. The medication is called Armour Thyroid and is derived from pig’s glands that have a great success rate. They actually used to prescribe it in this country for people with thyroid disease. Yet most doctors don’t even know that, in fact most doctors will not have heard of it and advice you against it while not being able to give you scientific evidence why you shouldn’t! That’s because it’s all about money not health. Their problem with natural products is that nobody can patent them, so the government cannot have exclusive ownership. But they can by making up synthetic chemicals.
What you need to know is that about 85% of people are unable to transfer T4 into T3 when they use Thyroxin. T3 is essential to the function of the main organs of your body. Armour thyroid naturally has T4, T3 and T2 and T1 and it make you feel well with no side affects. Tyrosine does not have T2 & T1. Once you research it at the site below you can order it from the recommended site -http://www.internationalpharmacy.com/en/...
I was on Thyroxin for two years and did not feel well on it I had absolutely no energy and my weight ballooned up to 19 and a half stone. I started my Armour in April this year and I am now 15 and a half stone with loads of energy. Armour Thyroid helps increase your metabolism where thyroxin slows it down. As you don’t know me, don’t take my word for your health go to http://www.tpa-uk.org.uk/ Sheila Turner (expert on thyroid disease) runs this thyroid patient advocacy site which will inform and educate you on your disease. There are over six hundred other people on that forum who are taking Armour Thyroid and can give you advice. Pretty soon you will see that doctors know absolutely nothing about treating the thyroid. The are ignorant about it.
In the early 1960s, desiccated thyroid hormones (thyroid extract) began to be replaced by synthetic levothyroxine (T4), or by combinations of synthetic T4 and T3. Replacement occurred faster in the United Kingdom than in North America, but by the 1980s more patients were being prescribed synthetic levothyroxine or T4/T3 combinations than desiccated thyroid extract.

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My son has diabetes, and when I do investigations online, I find that American websites talk about blood sugar levels in the hundreds, while my son is encouraged to keep his levels between 5 and 8 mmol/l. Can anyone tell me how the two scales compare, so that I can interpret the info from sites both sides of the Atlantic?!

mmol/l is the unit in the UK, whereas the US use mg/dl.
The unit mmol/l stands for milli-moles per litre. (or liter in the US, I believe). milli means a thousandth, so what is a mole (other than a small rodent-like animal)? A mole is that quantity of a substance whose mass in grams is the same as its formula weight (atomic weight). Each molecule of glucose has 6 Carbon atoms, 12 Hydrogen atoms and 6 Oxygen atoms. A carbon atom weighs 12 units, a hydrogen atom weighs 1 unit and an oxygen atom weighs 16 units. These units are called relative atomic mass units (don't need to go into why). So the atomic weight of glucose is (6x12) + (12x1) + (6x16) = 180. Therefore one mole of glucose weighs 180g. So now we are in a position to look at mmol/l. 1 mmol of glucose is 0.18g. So 1 mmol/l is 0.18g in 1 litre of water.
So now you can see the relationship to mg/dl. A decilitre is a tenth of a litre or 100ml. A miligram is a 1000th of a gram. Therefore 0.18g is the same as 180mg. We are only dealing with a 10th of the amount of water (100ml or 1dl) so therefore can divide this number by 10 giving 18mg/dl. Thus 1 mol/l = 18 mg/dl.

To convert from the American system to the British system, divide by 18, thus:
144 mgl/L divided by18 (conversion factor) = 8 mmol/l
To convert from the British system to the American system, multiply by 18, thus:
8 mmol/l x 18 (conversion factor) = 144 mgl/L

Miz Lamb answered your question very well indeed. Yes, the conversion is 18 as a rule of thumb. So, if your son's reading is 8 mmol/l, to convert this into mgl/L, simply multiply 8 x 18 to get a 144 reading. So, if my reading in mgl/L is 250 my equivalent mmol/l would be (250/18) 13.88. Simply divide 250 by 18 to arrive at 13.88. It is really that simple. Good luck to you and God bless you.

here in America we measure in mg/dL and you do the mmol/L measures. The conversion number is 18. So if you divide my numbers by 18 you will come up with approximate mmol/L. I multiply your numbers by 18 and come up with what I am familiar with

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