they are both one week old. the right one is blurry for two days in a row now...i dont get it..its like being under they sometimes just go bad?

Did you switch them? With a minus Rx most people would see one eye blurry and the other not if they were different. One eye would be under refracted and one over. So, the under refracted one would be blurry and the other would seem fine.


I am an optician and a contact lens wearer. O^O

It's probably gotten some dirt or eye discharge stuck in it. You could try washing it with solution, but I'd recommend just chucking the dirty one out. Better to not risk an eye infection!
Just a thought, double check you're wearing it the right way on. I once put mine on the wrong way and it felt blurry.

Wash it well with solution, and check that there is no rip or tear in the contact. This may be the reason for the bluryness. Best to contact your optician. Also, make sure your fingers and hands are clean before applying and removing contact lenses.