Hi, i would like to know what are the healthy ways to make my penis LONGER not by pills or devices.
Well, not all men experience this desire; I never have. Never thought mine was small or short and never had any difficulties or concerns having sex that my tool was too tiny. You are just either really insecure or probably misinformed about penis size, and listen too much to your other guy friends. All guys lie about penis size and height and how much sex they have gotten. Always remember that.
Average adult penis size for 76% of all males is 5.4 to 6.2 inches Only 12% of all guys are larger than that. All your friends that claim an 8 inch penis are most likely lying. The vagina is stretchable, but most perfectly accomodates the 5 to 6.4 range with no issue at all. Many girls would be hesitant to accept an 8 incher.
The ONLY time in your life that your penis will be able to grow is during puberty! That's the bottom line, sorry.
No pill, cream, lotion, potion, contraption, device, gizmo, gadget or exercise will make it larger permanently. The only "proven" way to enlarge a penis (post puberty) is surgery, but the cost, pain and risks hardly outweigh any gains one might achieve from it.
All men dont experience this. :L
I don't.
theres one way ive heard that you can do "jelqing" which is like stretching the penis every so often. but tbh it would take ages to see any significant increase anyway and its just a waste of time.
so you just need to live with the penis size you have.
Hi, to be honest, the world is critical today about all this kind of stuff but the truth is, its as big as it is and there is nothing you can do about it. There is nothing wrong with what you do, who you are or what you look like. No matter what people say, bigger is not always better! :)
You get what your genes give you, and that's it. All pills, creams, and devices are nothing more than modern versions of snake oil. Lots of promises, little or no results.
And, as a man, I don't need my penis to be longer. I've fathered three children and satisfied several lovers. (And I am quite average.)
there is no practical way to make your penis bigger, there is a surgery which costs thousands of dollars and doesn't even make your penis more than half an inch longer if that. the best thing you can do is learn to like your size.
If you are still in puberty it will continue to lengthen up to around 18/19 and thicken for a while beyond that
If you are an adult , save your money as there is no proven method that works .
Well you can try rubbing it or losing some weight. Losing weight makes it come out.
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